Payday Loans Guaranteed No Fax is the Best Loan Deal

If you have been in an auto accident and have no cash to pay off the bill to fix your car, nor the time to go rooting around your home for various documents you need to fax to the loan office, then you should consider a faxless payday loan. You can receive payday loans without faxing documents of any kind. They also do not require a credit check, so bad credit is no problem.
Faxless payday loans are a newer type of loan that only require one document-the application you fill out. You can find these types of loans online, and once the application is turned in, no further paperwork is needed. Fast and easy!
They do not need credit history, proof of home ownership-nothing. The collateral is included in the interest rate you are required to pay, and the insurance that your next paycheck will be used to pay off the loan. my company